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Mistakes in using the safety seat

Now, the popularity of baby car seat has made great progress compared with previous years. However, there are still many misunderstandings in the understanding and use of safety seats.

Many middle-aged and elderly people in China think that it is safest to hold their children in their arms. In fact, according to the analysis of foreign test results, when the car suddenly brakes at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour, a baby weighing 5.5 kg will become 110 kg! Even if an adult reacts fast enough in a car accident, the human skeleton cannot withstand the huge momentary force generated by itself and the child. The end result: the child escaped from the adult's hand and flew like a bullet in the car, with disastrous consequences.

Babies can't use adults' seat belts. Children are relatively small. If they use the car seat belt directly, the seat belt will get stuck on the neck, not in the middle of the shoulder. Because the bones of children are relatively fragile, once the car brakes suddenly or crashes At this time, the human body will rush forward due to huge inertia. At this time, the seat belt stuck on the neck will fracture the rib of the chest or the neck, and even cause the child to suffocate.
The safety seat cannot be placed in the passenger seat, and the airbag has a protective effect on adults, but not on children. The simulated collision experiment of the airbag showed that when the airbag was quickly deployed in a dangerous situation, the watermelon on the seat was instantly smashed into pieces. When the distance between the child and the airbag dashboard is very close, the instantaneous impact force on the child's head when the airbag is deployed can be as high as several hundred kilograms!

Although the safety seat is distinguished by the weight of the child to face forward or backward, it does not mean that the safety seat can only face forward and not backward when the weight exceeds a certain weight. In 15 years of car accident data in the United States, infants aged 12-24 months had a 5.32-fold higher mortality rate when the car seat was facing forward versus facing back. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that at least until the age of two, the baby should be seated facing the rear, even after the age of two, provided the child does not exceed the height and weight limits of the car seat, It is also highly recommended that children sit facing back until the age of four.

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